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Implications of Groundwater Depletion for Aquifer Geomatrix Deformation and Water Availability

Published in Hydrology (Volume 4, Issue 5)
Received: 2 September 2016     Accepted: 14 October 2016     Published: 12 December 2016
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Worsening water storage depletion contributes to environmental degradation, land subsidence and earthquake or even disrupts food production/security and social stability. There is also the need for efficient water use strategies in populated regions, especially when such regions also have intensive agricultural and industrial activities. The North China Plain (NCP) is one such region which is not only the seat of power, but also a major agricultural and industrial with a severe water storage depletion. Thus this study integrates satellite, model and field data products to investigate water storage depletion and land subsidence in the Beijing Environs of NCP. In the first step, GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) mass rates are analyzed for water storage depletion in the region. Next, GRACE total water storage (TWS) is corrected for soil moisture storage (SMS) to derive groundwater storage (GWS) using GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation System) data products. The derived GWS is compared with GWS obtained from field-measured groundwater level to show water storage depletion in the study area. Then GPS (Global Positioning System) data of relative land surface change are used to show land subsidence due to water storage depletion. A total of ~96 near-consecutive months (Jan. 2002 through Dec. 2009) of datasets are used in the study. Based on GRACE mass rates, TWS depletion is 36.54±1.74 mm yr-1 or 6.34±0.29 km3 yr-1 for the 169 000 km2 study area. Analysis of relative land surface change shows the occurrence of land subsidence at 7.29±0.35 mm yr-1 in the Beijing Environ of NCP. About 7.50% (2.74±0.18 mm yr-1 or 0.46±0.03 km3 yr-1) of the depletion in TWS and 5.25% (1.52±0.07 mm yr-1 or 0.26±0.01 km3 yr-1) of that in GWS are attributed to storage reductions due to the land subsidence. Storage loss in the region justifies the current south-north water transfer efforts in the region. The concurrence of water storage depletion and land subsidence could have adverse implications for the hydrology, ecology, food security and social stability of the region. It is important to devise efficient measures to avert the negative effects of water storage depletion in the study area.

Published in Hydrology (Volume 4, Issue 5)
DOI 10.11648/j.hyd.20160405.11
Page(s) 46-57
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2016. Published by Science Publishing Group


Beijing Environs, Water Storage Depletion, Land Subsidence, Hydrogeodetic Data

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  • APA Style

    Juana P. Moiwo, Yahaya K. Kawa, John P. Kaisam, Umu Lamboi. (2016). Implications of Groundwater Depletion for Aquifer Geomatrix Deformation and Water Availability. Hydrology, 4(5), 46-57. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.hyd.20160405.11

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    ACS Style

    Juana P. Moiwo; Yahaya K. Kawa; John P. Kaisam; Umu Lamboi. Implications of Groundwater Depletion for Aquifer Geomatrix Deformation and Water Availability. Hydrology. 2016, 4(5), 46-57. doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20160405.11

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    AMA Style

    Juana P. Moiwo, Yahaya K. Kawa, John P. Kaisam, Umu Lamboi. Implications of Groundwater Depletion for Aquifer Geomatrix Deformation and Water Availability. Hydrology. 2016;4(5):46-57. doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20160405.11

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      abstract = {Worsening water storage depletion contributes to environmental degradation, land subsidence and earthquake or even disrupts food production/security and social stability. There is also the need for efficient water use strategies in populated regions, especially when such regions also have intensive agricultural and industrial activities. The North China Plain (NCP) is one such region which is not only the seat of power, but also a major agricultural and industrial with a severe water storage depletion. Thus this study integrates satellite, model and field data products to investigate water storage depletion and land subsidence in the Beijing Environs of NCP. In the first step, GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) mass rates are analyzed for water storage depletion in the region. Next, GRACE total water storage (TWS) is corrected for soil moisture storage (SMS) to derive groundwater storage (GWS) using GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation System) data products. The derived GWS is compared with GWS obtained from field-measured groundwater level to show water storage depletion in the study area. Then GPS (Global Positioning System) data of relative land surface change are used to show land subsidence due to water storage depletion. A total of ~96 near-consecutive months (Jan. 2002 through Dec. 2009) of datasets are used in the study. Based on GRACE mass rates, TWS depletion is 36.54±1.74 mm yr-1 or 6.34±0.29 km3 yr-1 for the 169 000 km2 study area. Analysis of relative land surface change shows the occurrence of land subsidence at 7.29±0.35 mm yr-1 in the Beijing Environ of NCP. About 7.50% (2.74±0.18 mm yr-1 or 0.46±0.03 km3 yr-1) of the depletion in TWS and 5.25% (1.52±0.07 mm yr-1 or 0.26±0.01 km3 yr-1) of that in GWS are attributed to storage reductions due to the land subsidence. Storage loss in the region justifies the current south-north water transfer efforts in the region. The concurrence of water storage depletion and land subsidence could have adverse implications for the hydrology, ecology, food security and social stability of the region. It is important to devise efficient measures to avert the negative effects of water storage depletion in the study area.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Implications of Groundwater Depletion for Aquifer Geomatrix Deformation and Water Availability
    AU  - Juana P. Moiwo
    AU  - Yahaya K. Kawa
    AU  - John P. Kaisam
    AU  - Umu Lamboi
    Y1  - 2016/12/12
    PY  - 2016
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.hyd.20160405.11
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    SN  - 2330-7617
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.hyd.20160405.11
    AB  - Worsening water storage depletion contributes to environmental degradation, land subsidence and earthquake or even disrupts food production/security and social stability. There is also the need for efficient water use strategies in populated regions, especially when such regions also have intensive agricultural and industrial activities. The North China Plain (NCP) is one such region which is not only the seat of power, but also a major agricultural and industrial with a severe water storage depletion. Thus this study integrates satellite, model and field data products to investigate water storage depletion and land subsidence in the Beijing Environs of NCP. In the first step, GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) mass rates are analyzed for water storage depletion in the region. Next, GRACE total water storage (TWS) is corrected for soil moisture storage (SMS) to derive groundwater storage (GWS) using GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation System) data products. The derived GWS is compared with GWS obtained from field-measured groundwater level to show water storage depletion in the study area. Then GPS (Global Positioning System) data of relative land surface change are used to show land subsidence due to water storage depletion. A total of ~96 near-consecutive months (Jan. 2002 through Dec. 2009) of datasets are used in the study. Based on GRACE mass rates, TWS depletion is 36.54±1.74 mm yr-1 or 6.34±0.29 km3 yr-1 for the 169 000 km2 study area. Analysis of relative land surface change shows the occurrence of land subsidence at 7.29±0.35 mm yr-1 in the Beijing Environ of NCP. About 7.50% (2.74±0.18 mm yr-1 or 0.46±0.03 km3 yr-1) of the depletion in TWS and 5.25% (1.52±0.07 mm yr-1 or 0.26±0.01 km3 yr-1) of that in GWS are attributed to storage reductions due to the land subsidence. Storage loss in the region justifies the current south-north water transfer efforts in the region. The concurrence of water storage depletion and land subsidence could have adverse implications for the hydrology, ecology, food security and social stability of the region. It is important to devise efficient measures to avert the negative effects of water storage depletion in the study area.
    VL  - 4
    IS  - 5
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Agricultural Engineering, School of Technology, Njala University, Njala Campus, Sierra Leone

  • Department of Chemistry, School of Environmental Sciences, Njala University, Njala Campus, Freetown, Sierra Leone

  • Department of Chemistry, School of Environmental Sciences, Njala University, Njala Campus, Freetown, Sierra Leone

  • Department of Physics and Computer Science, School of Technology, Njala University, Njala Campus, Sierra Leone

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